Monday, December 22, 2008

A little rant

Matt has pink-eye. And I'd just like to say that whatever genious pharmaceutical company decided that drops were the best way to get rid of pink-eye obviously never had to administer them 4 times a day to a two-year-old. At least Aaron and I are getting some practice in for if we ever want to join professional wrestling, or hog-tying. . .


LisaJ said...

I am so sorry!!That's not fun. I got picked to be a product tester for a "natural" remedy to prevent colds (for children). My kids would have rather been sick for a month than have to take that nasty stuff 4 times a day!!

Olsens said...

I can SO relate. Tanner got an eye infection this week and it takes Nate and I holding him down and prying his eye open to get the drops half in. :(