Saturday, January 29, 2011


Kaitlyn didn't have school yesterday, and Aaron had the day off, so we ran down to the zoo. It was an overcast day, but no rain. We had fun. It wasn't crowded at all. A few of the animals were gone for the winter, but we had fun anyway. My kids favorite was the monkeys. They were pretty active. One of the monkeys even came right up to the glass and sat and stared at Matt. He loved it!

Christmas 2010

I haven't posted in a while so I'll try to catch up. We had a great Christmas. We started Christmas morning opening presents. Santa brought Kaitlyn the new video Barbie and Matt an Iron Man helmet that he has been asking for since July.

We kind of rushed through opening presents, because we had checked the weather and Christmas day was supposed to be the best day to drive to Utah. So we packed up fast and took off that morning. We had great weather, but a word to the wise, if you travel on Christmas Day don't plan on stopping for dinner anywhere because nothing is open. My kids had to eat a lunchable from the gas station for dinner. We finally made it to Aaron's parents at about 1 a.m. I willl also say that we brought the dog with us and 12 hours with a dog in the car, trying to sit on your lap the whole way was NOT fun!
We had a blast with Aaron's family. All of his sisters and their kids came. There was 22 of us in his parents house. We played games, went sledding, made gingerbread houses, had parties and got stuck in 2 blizzards. It was great! We love speding time with Aaron's family. The car ride home was pretty uneventful and Ramseys did much better. Kaitlyn and I got really sick when we got home though. She missed the whole next week of school and I got an inner and outer ear infection. If you've never had one, pray you never get one. It was so incrediably painful and I still don't have 100% hearing back in my ear yet.