Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fun in the Sun

The last few days we have been having some wonderful weather. Beautiful, mid-70's. It's been great. The kids and I have tried to take advantage, but unfortunatly both kids have had pretty bad colds, and the sun really bothers their eyes. Luckily they are doing better and we've been getting out. This last Wed. we went to Bizi Farms for Kaitlyn's preschool class. They got to go on a tractor ride, and plant a strawberry and feed a bunch of goats. The best part was when I got mauled by a rabbit. That's right folks, a cute, cuddly bunny. I had gotten one out of its cage for the kids to pet. When they were done, being the good person that I am, I went to put the furry little thing back in its cage so it wouldn't get trampled on. But it did not want to go in. After a long struggle I finally dropped the rabbit to the ground (it was fine). I, however, was not. I had scratches all up my arms, and holes in my shirt (a shirt I really liked too). Can you catch any diseases from rabbit scratches??? Anyway, I also forgot to take my camera, so no pics of the farm.
Last Sat. we decided to get out and do something. So we called up our friends, and aksed if they wanted to go on a picnic. Gabe, being the avid outdoorsman that he is, suggested fishing. Despite the fact that none of my family has ever been, or has any fishing equiptment, we agreed. It turned out to be super fun. We went to Salmon Creek Park, and they have a man-made lake there that they stock with like 30,000 fish. There is also a park, and picnic tables. So we packed some lunch and went. The kids thought it was great. Kaitlyn's attention didn't last too long with the fishing, but Matt sat in his chair for like 3 hours, just waiting for a fish to bite. We didn't actually catch anything, but the kids had a great time. And the parent's took home some awesome sunburns. Why is it you always remember to slather up your kids, but forget yourself?
Not much else going on with us. Aaron started spring semester last week, and is really looking forward to his three-week break in August. We got Kaitlyn all registered for Kindergarten. They are doing a new kindergarten program here next year. So Kaitlyn will go to school on Monday and Thurday and every other Wed., but she will go all day on those days. I'm not sure how I feel about her going all day, but she's excited to ride the bus and eat lunch at school. She got to meet her teacher and take a tour of the school. All in all, we're just enjoying the sun!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Trip to Utah

Last week the kids and I took a trip to Utah. Aaron had to stay home (although from the amount of golf he played, I don't think he was too sad about it). We had a great time seeing all the family. Megan picked us up from the airport and we spent our first couple of days at her apartment. We played at the park, went to the duck pond, and toured BYU. It was fun to be back on campus and see all the new buildings. On friday we got to see Megan graduate with her B.S. in Social Science teaching. Hopefully she'll be able to find a job for next year. Sadly, I forgot my camera and didn't get any pics.
We then headed up to my mom's house for a couple of days. My dad was in town too, so we got to see everyone.
Our last couple days were spent at Aaron's parents house. Grandma Pat came into town the day after we got there, and it was great to see her. I also got to go to dinner with some great friends of my from high school that I haven't seen since we left Utah. It was so fun to see them :)
The last day we were there we went with Grandma Krimme and Grandma Pat to the Thanksgiving Point Dinasour Museum. It's a really cool museum. The kids had a blast, and since it is the only pics I took the whole trip, it's the only one you'll get to enjoy too. The kids favorite part was digging for the dinasour bones. The must have stayed in the that pit for at least 45 minutes. Maybe we have some budding paleontologists :)