Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Christmas Time

We had our first snow this last week. For Vancouver, it is pretty rare. We got a light dusting (as you can see in the pictures) on Wed., so of course they canceled school. But it kept snowing and snowing. As of this morning (Sunday) we have about six inches. All church meetings have been canceled today, so we are holed up inside for the duration of the storm. For those of you laughing that school and church would be canceled for a measely little six inches of snow, remember that Vancouver is pretty hilly and has no snow plows. Needless to say, driving is pretty fun. The kids of course are loving every minute of it. We've tried to build two snowmen, with no success. So they've just had to play on the snowy swing set and have snowball fights. We're hoping the snow stops long enough for us to fly out. Fingers crossed!Last Saturday night Matt started hacking away at night, and this continued all Sunday night as well, so we took him to the doctor on Monday, and found out he had croup. So after a couple of very stressful nights with the most horrible sounding cough you can imagine, he got better. Needless to say after being locked in the house for four days with no outside contact, my kids were ready for some fun. So we got together with Wendy, Annie and Katie and made some gingerbread houses. And yes, I cheated and just bought the kit, but I must say that the kit worked pretty well. Nice thick frosting and nice sturdy gingerbread. It tasted horrible, but the kids only wanted the candy anyway.

And last but not least, Kaitlyn's preschool had their Christmas program on Friday. Kaitlyn was the angel. During the singing you could hear her voice the loudest. At least she's not shy :)

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